Saturday 10 March 2012

Italian Wives Ban Husbands From Coffee Cafe Where Women Dress Half-Naked

My husband want coffee?Then he should buy me a skimpy dress and his coffee is good to go..... This is a very funny story, I never knew Italian women where this jealous, until I read the story.

Wives have ban their husbands from visiting Italian cafe where busty barmaid serves up drinks in skimpy outfits

Men rush to the bar not for the quality of the coffee, but because the bar workers appear for work in highly revealing outfits.

Hundreds of male customers flocked there day and night, leaving their cars double parked in the surrounding streets.

Congestion became such a problem that the lady mayor announced she was considering an emergency bylaw to limit traffic in the area, even the city mayor banned her husband from going to the bar.

Now women in the small northern Italian town of Bagnolo Mella have declared Le Cafe out of bounds to their men.

The female owner of the coffee cafe said: ‘I don’t see what the problem is – it’s just a bit of harmless fun.
‘If the guys come here what can I do?
'I know I have upset the women but that’s not my problem.
'It’s not my fault if guys want to come and have a drink in my bar.’

She added that some customers were travelling up to 70 miles just to have a coffee in her bar.

She has 5,000 new friends on Facebook while a local poll found that 46 per cent of respondents said partners of her male customers should be ‘asking themselves why their partners prefer ladies in the bar to them’.

Several wives from the town have been on TV to complain. One said: ‘It is outrageous and should not be allowed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi from Oregon hope make to your town have a beer!


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