Wednesday 14 March 2012

Argentina Abortion Right For Rape Victims Approved By Supreme Court

BUENOS AIRES, Argentina— Argentina's Supreme Court ruled unanimously Tuesday that any rape victim can get an abortion, setting a historic precedent in a country where abortions are generally illegal.
Until now, it had been up to a judge to decide which rape victims could get abortions, and generally only women with mental disabilities were approved. In several well-publicized cases, even young girls who had been raped were forced to carry out their pregnancies.
The Supreme Court now says no rape victim can be punished for terminating a pregnancy. And those women no longer need a court order. All they need to provide to a doctor is a sworn declaration that they were raped.
The Roman Catholic Church condemned the ruling, saying abortions are wrong even in the event of a rape.
Argentine women whose lives are endangered by pregnancy also are permitted to have abortions.

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