Sunday, 1 July 2012


Who is to be blame for infidelity in a relationship?
Hi viewers, I hope y’all are not so caught up with the rain, well we should be all used to it by now because the Nigerian Weather Forecaster announced that there will be a heavy rain pour in 2012, and we must not also forget to thank God because it didn’t result in any form of natural disaster,I am not here to talk about rainfall today, rather I am here to talk about relationship and I am looking at the causes of infidelity and who is to be blame.
INFIDELITY can be described as the act of not being faithful to your partner ,by having sex with someone else, it could be your wife, husband, fiancé, fiancée, boyfriend or girlfriend. I have met quite a handful of people, from colleagues to ladies in the salon, schoolmates, friends, a lot of people I would say and whenever we sit to jist or gossip, there is this question that is always popping up in my brain “why do we cheat in relationship” and I bet you , I have collected lots of answers so I decided to do my own write up today, though we all have our own opinion.

A lot have been said to be the cause of infidelity but I will just pick from my collections….LOL, usually it’s an interactive talk with them,so I usually give my own opinion after listening to theirs, a married friend of mine once told me that the only time he cheats on his wife is when she is pregnant, when I asked him why he said he just felt he was disturbing her and he felt she didn’t want to tell him because she didn’t want him to cheat, another guy said ladies are cheap this days since the introduction of facebook,badoo,2go,africhat,blackberry and others ,he also said the way ladies dress this days is so seductive, they hardly put on cloths and the ones that manage to wear cloths have half of their body for public viewing and I asked him if that was his main reason for cheating and he said he is been married for 6yrs but his wife has changed from the girl he used to know to his sister, he said she hardly takes care of herself, she is rather focused more on the kids than her outward appearance and he has warned her about it a lot of times but she didn’t yield to his warnings so he resorted to other means which is going after more appealing girls,just as the men cheat,this days there are lots of married women who also go after young guys for one reason or the other,but lets talk about the men first,then we do women later,I met this friend of mine few years back but we didn’t talk for a while until recently,he couldn’t hold back his tears when he was telling me his story,will make it brief,he said he dated this lady for about 5yrs and they didn’t have any issues until she went for her youth service in another state, he paid her a surprise visit and he noticed some changes in her but he just felt it was due to the rigorous  training she was getting on the camp so he disregarded most of her wrongdoings, unknown to him she already met and fell in love with a guy she met on the camp, she was supposed to return after a year but she didn’t return until 6months after service completion, she called and said she was around and she needed to see him urgently, out of excitement to see his love, he dashed to her house immediately only for her to tell him that she couldn’t continue with the relationship, her reason was that he found a new man and she is madly in love with him, he said it striked him like thunder, he wept bitterly but there was nothing he could do about it, he asked her where he had gone wrong and he promised to adjust but she said her mind had been made up blatantly, there was nothing he could do, before he knew it she was married…………he didn’t date for a long time, then he met a lady, he liked her but she was not the type of woman he wanted as a wife, he dated her for a while and after few months she said she was pregnant, after all the ranting and raving she said she won’t abort or do anything contradicting, he had no choice but to marry her, now they have been married for 3yrs but deep down he is not fulfilled in his marriage because he felt she was not the one for him, but there was nothing he could do, the point of his story is that he met a lady and they have been dating for like 6months now, he is so in love with her compared to his wife, but he can’t leave his wife even if he doesn’t love her because of his kids(2kids now) according to him, the only reason he had to cheat was because he made a mistake from the beginning and there was nothing he could do to correct it, at this point.

Well that’s all for today,we continue tomorrow,


  1. Nice one there,if u did the typing i give u kudos,and if u didnt kudos to whoever did,well that a nice topic there, have been married for 5yrs now and i dnt have any reason t cheat.....for now

  2. i think women are to be blame

  3. well i think women cheat more than men

  4. If u were my wife,i swear i wont cheat,u know me but u dnt knw its me

  5. i think men dont have reasons to cheat

  6. women give men reasons to cheat,soem of them just kill the passion after marriage,what do u now expect of the men?plssss some women need to change especially their outward appearance

  7. well,i found out my husband was cheating and he denied vehemently so i also cheated on him secretly with his friend,becos he didnt have any reason to cheat

  8. intresting one,lady Holla,if u were my wife,i would neva cheat on u,u just too good,beautiful and lovely,i would rush home to meet u after work and i would be proud to take u anywhere with me.


  10. Hollaoye, good article but pls try to proofread as you joined sentences or used punctuations marks such as commas instead of a full-stop, small letters starting sentences etc. Just a word to help u improve ur blog.


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