Nigerians are the Most Sexually Satisfied in the World, Japanese the Least, and the Greek have the Most Sex – Durex
In a statement on Tuesday, Durex said the online study questioned more than 26,000 respondents across 26 countries about every aspect of their sex lives in a bid to chart comprehensively “what constitutes intimate well-being.”
The survey put Nigeria in pole position at 67 percent, followed by Mexico at 63 percent, India at 61 percent and Poland at 54 per cent.
The least sexually satisfied people in the world, according to the survey, are the Japanese, with 15 percent of respondents from that country giving their love lives a thumbs-up.
“On average, South Africans have sex 120 times a year — considerably more than the global average of 103,” the statement read. “It is the sexed-up Greeks who have the most sex, at 164 times a year; with Brazil next (145), followed by Poland and Russia (both 143). The Japanese are the least sexually active nation, being intimate just 48 times a year.”
The survey also measured average time of sexual intercourse among respondents. “The
Nigerians take the longest time over sex, at 24 minutes per session, while Indians have the quickest sex, at 13 minutes,” it stated.
If 26,000 respondents across 26 countries were questioned, then probably only about 1000 Nigerians were used to get this statistics. This seems small compared to the millions of Nigerians who are sexually active.
However, what are your thoughts? Do you think Nigerians are the most sexually satisfied in the world? Do you think we take the longest time over sex at 24 minutes per session *cough*?
Please share your thoughts.
News Source: Daily Times
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