Saturday, 21 April 2012


Unique Restaurant: Waterfall Restaurant. A restaurant is a construction in which they are served food and drinks to be consumed in the room. The term covers a wide range of businesses and various types of cuisine. Sometimes restaurants are part of a larger complex, typically a hotel, in which case the rooms are designed for the restaurant for use by guests, but are often also open to external customers.

Waterfalls are some of the most majestic and mysterious in the world, but to approach not only be difficult but also dangerous. The Villa Escudero Resort in San Pablo City in the Philippines offers an experience of a type for guests to get up close and personal with a roaring waterfall, while to have lunch! Their restaurant is located at the foot of the waterfall cascades Labasin where guests can sample local cuisine handmade bamboo boards, while the clear spring water passes over their feet. These are Unique Restaurant: Waterfall Restaurant, checkt it.

Unique RestaurantUnique Restaurant Unique Restaurant Unique Restaurant
The falls are so friendly, guests can also lie against the wall covered with running water for massage quick lunch or post-rinse. This is a place where no shirt and no shoes no problem! Lunch near the waterfall. An ideal place, in warm weather, the falls, although not restful, offering the perfect scene for a lunch out of the ordinary. These are Unique Restaurant, Waterfall Restaurant at the Villa Escudero resort in the Philippines

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