Thursday 12 April 2012

6 Wedding Cakes That Are Almost Too Pretty To Eat! (Almost.) Which Is Your Fave?

Even as a '' blogger," I can't really stand watching televisions shows about wedding dresses for more than 15 minutes. (Brides be cr-aaaaa-zy! Present company excluded, of course.) You know what I could watch pretty much non-stop though? Television shows about wedding cake!
So let me interrupt your regularly scheduled celeb jist s to show you some gorgeousness from 2012 collection of Charm City Cakes, which other people who are obsessed with food shows might recognize from Ace of Cakes, you can now visit the delicious in person at Charm City Cakes West!
Wedding Cake 1

Wedding Cake 2


Wedding Cake 3

Wedding Cake 4

Wedding Cake 5

Wedding Cake 6

Which of these wedding cakes is your favorite?
I adore No. 1! ADORE!
 I feel like when I show cakes decorated with fondant (the smooth stuff on the outside) people always say, "Fondant wedding cakes are gross!" However, as a connoisseur of anything with "sugar" on the ingredients list, I can attest to the fact that reasonably fresh, well-made fondant is pretty yummy. But even if it isn't there's a tasty layer of buttercream underneath!

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