Wednesday 28 March 2012

Bianka Kamber: Kris Humphries' Revenge Romance!

According to Kris Humprhies, Kim Kardashian never really loved him and only entered in to a 72-day marriage for the sake of publicity and money.
Still, Kris is totally out to get back at Kim, according to the latest issue of OK! Weekly... by getting back together with his ex. That will show her!
A Revenge Romance
Anonymous sources tell the tabloid that Humphries never really got over Bianka Kamber, a Toronto native
he dated for two years before meeting Kardashian.
"Bianka was his first love," explains an insider to OK!. "She's a very down-to-earth, sweet girl. He admits he wants to win her back."
First, though, Humphries must legally become a single man, a step he's reportedly hesitant to make because he's holding out for a big payday. Will he get it? Will Kamber take him back? Who will Kim date next? We can totally wait to find out!

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