Tuesday 1 May 2012

How to Encourage Kids' Creativity

Painting and drawing are great artistic outlets, but creativity means more than simply diving into a box of crayons. To encourage your kids' creativity in other areas, it's best to step outside the box and introduce them to fresh, new activities and environments. Whether it's a quick cooking date or a day spent out on the town, we've come up with four simple tips to help your little ones exercise their imaginations:

  1. Invite them into the kitchen. Make a space for your kids in your cooking routine and teach them about different spices or food combinations. Let them create their own recipes, have taste tests, and bring them to the farmers market to introduce them to new foods. Giving them a glimpse of what goes into their meals is a great way to stimulate their curiosity and maybe even kick-start a new passion.
  2. Turn off the TV and turn up the music. Whether it's during arts and crafts or while your kids do their homework, try switching the focus away from TV and computers. Instead, play different kinds of music that the lil ones may not be used to — from classical compositions to indie ballads to the Beatles, listening to something different can spark their inspiration in new, unexpected ways.
  1. Answer and ask questions. You're stressed, you're tired, and you don't want to explain "why" one more time — it's understandable. Still, it's important to respond and encourage your kids' curiosity. Even better? Turn the tables and ask them open-ended questions, like "What would your dream bedroom look like?" or "If you could invent anything, what would you build?" Their answers may surprise (and entertain) you, and they'll love the creative brainstorm.
  2. Plan fun, fresh adventure days. It's easy to get into a comfortable routine of picnics, playgrounds, movies, and pizza dates, but bringing your kids into new environments can set off their imaginations. Whether it's a children's museum across town or a landmark a few miles away, make an effort to switch things up and visit new places every so often. Get your kids involved by asking them where they'd like to go, or try to coordinate trips with the topics they're covering in class.
Do you have any quick tips to encourage creativity? Share them in the comments below!

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